Welcomes to career Vishwa

Discover Your Career Path

We provide expert career guidance for students and parents to help them make informed decisions about their future.

Expert Career Guidance,
Better College Prospects

A Career Counselling Platform to help you navigate your career path with the help of our Expert certified Counselors

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Bright living room with modern inventoryBright living room with modern inventory

About Us

CareerVishwa helps students and parents navigate career choices by offering expertise and guidance. Their mission is to empower individuals to make the best decisions and achieve their professional goals

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shallow focus photography of man in suit jacket's back
woman sitting around table holding tablet
woman sitting around table holding tablet

Career Guidance

Personalized Approach

Experienced career counselors offer personalized guidance based on strengths, interests, and goals, helping students explore options and select the path aligned with their aspirations

College Admissions

We provide extensive assistance to both students and parents, guiding them through college admissions, including college selection, entrance exam preparation, and compelling application writing

Skill Development

In today's competitive world, acquiring relevant skills is crucial. We offer workshops and training programs to enhance students' skills and prepare them for the ever-evolving job market.

College Acceptance for

Our Students

We help our students achieve their dreams of college acceptance through personalized guidance and support. Our team is dedicated to providing the resources and tools necessary for success. Join us on this journey and see your future unfold.

black android smartphone on brown wooden table
black android smartphone on brown wooden table

Contact Us

Contact us for questions or assistance

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shallow focus photograph of black and gray compass
